dinsdag 26 augustus 2014

I'm soooo sorry


I've got some bad news.. This week I was super busy, so I couldn't write you anything nice.. But I will promise you one thing, I will make it up too you next week with a super duper blogpost about these couple of days and why I was to busy to write a post..

Really sorry.. :'(

X heart O

woensdag 20 augustus 2014

Asian supermarket


It’s always an adventure when I go to an Asian supermarket. And this time wasn’t any different hihi! The idea was to only go there to buy sushi stuff, but of course I didn’t only bought what I was planning.  

This time I bought two types of Fanta (I didn’t drunk yet), potato chips with herb bread taste (which tasted really like herb bread and really filled as herb bread) and of course Nerds (I'm a candy addict!!).

My purchases aren’t always a big success. Most of the times I actually have no clue what I’m buying or what I’m eating. But this time I am more than satisfied and I recommend everyone to have a quick look around.

X heart O

woensdag 13 augustus 2014

New sunglasses

Hey guys!

A few days ago, the weather was still nice and wonderful. So I bought a pair of sunglasses. I went a little out of my comfort zone and picked a round one. A lot of people say that when you have a round head, it’s better to wear angular glasses. But that does not always have to be so. I have a round head and these round sunglasses suits me well.

Before I was the type of girl that listened too other people’s opinion. And didn’t really do what I want. Now, I’m more comfortable in my own skin and have a little more attitude (can be a little bit more tho), so I’m kinda doing what I want en taking little risks.

So don’t always listen to what other people have to say. Be your own unique person!

X heart O

woensdag 6 augustus 2014

Bubble Tea


The one-day I didn’t had my new camera with me, I went to YoYo. YoYo is a fresh tea bar and sells my favorite bubble tea, yoghurt passion fruit with strawberry poppings. And I couldn’t resist writing this blog post about it.

But what is bubble tea? Well, bubble tea is a Taiwanese beverage with various bases: tea, flavored tea, milk, and yoghurt. It contains small chewy gummy balls made of tapioca, or other toppings such as jelly and popping (little balls that pop).

The first time I was drinking my bubble tea, I was a little freaked out of the squishy little ball that follow through the deliberately thick straw. But now it’s more then normal!

X heart O