woensdag 19 november 2014

Black Pete


Normally I choose to talk about light topics, but this time I wanted to talk about something I kinda want off my chest. The last few days it's hot topic of every conversation in the Netherlands and a little in the rest of the world, the black Pete discussion. Personally I don't really care whether they stay or not, but I understand the people who don't want it and the people who do. And I think both parties are too stubborn to listen to each other.

There are good reasons to not want it. The history of black Pete is, that he was a slave of Sinterklaas and so it's a constant reminder of the oppression. And most people, especially white people don't know this, because it’s not learned at school. The time where the Netherlands had slaves is not a topic discussed in the education, probably because they still a shamed. So some of them think the black people want to rune their holiday. Or they know this part, but think the black people are exaggerating. Here they are wrong tho, not ever will slavery be a small thing even if a couple of years have past.

But, at the end of the day, it’s not what the grown ups think about black Pete. It’s a children’s holiday! What do you think? Do we need to keep it or not?

X heart O

woensdag 12 november 2014

Healthier lifestyle


My exams are finally over and this week the new period started. Time for some changes! I need to focus more on school and less on Netflix.. I need to eat healthy and less fast food..

So since this week I started “running” again. It’s not really running and I can’t handle it for more then 15 minutes, but it’s a start tho. I already did it 2 times this week jeeeej! And I’m not giving up this time (I hope). And since this week I’m eating healthier. I even bring my own lunch to school. Normally I always buy something at school, like a soup with bread or even the unhealthy stuff.. But know I’m bringing my own bread and even a quinoa salad. I didn’t ate it before, but a couple of days ago a friend made a quinoa salad and it tasted really good. So I’m know standing in the kitchen at night making myself a salad. Feels very weird hihih.

On the picture is one of the salads a made this week. A salad of quinoa, cherry tomatoes, feta cheese, arugula, salmon and a little salt and pepper. It was delicious!

X heart O   

woensdag 5 november 2014

Bath & Body Works

Heyy guys,

The temperature drops, the leaves are falling from the trees and the days are becoming gray… Summer is officially over! And consciously or unconsciously, you spend more time inside. And of course, it’s very important to make it cozy.

I myself am a big fan of scented candles, mostly because of the feeling you get when you walk somewhere inside where it smells delicious. Especially when it's cold outside. And my mom shares this opinion, so she took me to Chique Cosmetique in Roterdam (Plaza, near Rotterdam Central station). The only place in the Netherlands where they sell Bath & Body Works candles!

After much thought, we eventually make our choice and bought ‘Pumpkin Apple’ and ‘Vanilla Snowflake’. Along the lines of the upcoming cold weather. They are a bit pricey, 15 euros each and there are still more expensive varieties, but they smell soooo good I could not resist them.

Go check them out for yourself, when you are in Rotterdam. Definitely worth it!

X heart O

PS. They’re also selling Victoria Secret, so you no longer have to go to Schiphol if Rotterdam is closer.

woensdag 29 oktober 2014



Last week it was my little brother’s birthday and because he has so many toys I did not know what to buy him. That's why I chose to give him money. So he can make his own decision which toys he buys and would not be disappointed with my choice.

But money in an envelope is also not fun for a small child. On Pinterest I saw a nice solution! Give the child a jar of sweets with the money inside. The child will be a little shocked or even disappointed, because he only gets candy (nothing special), but once the candy jar is opened he will be pleasantly surprised with the twist.

Unfortunately, this didn’t work at all hihi. My brother was actually very pleased with the candy jar and made it open to take one out. When he saw the money, he said, “Oh, there's also money in it”, grabbed some candy and went back to playing.

Very nice idea, but didn’t really done what I wanted to do..

X heart O

woensdag 22 oktober 2014

Dracula Untold


Yesterday I went to see Dracula Untold. I’m a big vampire fan, so I couldn’t miss this movie. And I liked it very much. However it wasn’t what I expected..

In this version Dracula appears as a human who sacrifices himself for his people. Instead of the monster which everyone feared. So if you didn’t seen the movie yet, don’t expect al lot of violence and blood. Actually, there is almost no blood found in Dracula Untold. A bit weird tho.. And a pity too. Vampires are so much fun, partly because they drink blood. Something that makes them dangerous and exciting.

Still it’s a most see movie, in my opinion :)

X heart O